Our Team
We’ve over 20 years experience working with some of the world’s largest multi-nationals, most important groups, family offices and individuals.
Our proven global network of experienced security advisors and operatives guarantees the best service to protect your personal interests; across cultures and time zones.
With more than 200 security experts on 5 continents, we are strategically excellently positioned to optimally serve all customer needs. We rely on strategic, interdisciplinary cooperation in a global network of experts and on the integration and support of security experts and specialists from a wide range of specialist areas. In this way, we guarantee maximum security at the highest level; worldwide and 24/7.
Based in Germany. At home in the world.
Sven Leidel
Head of Intelligence & PartnerSven Leidel is a former banker, studied Industrial Management in Hamburg, was in the military police and is now active in various national and international security organizations and associations, in an advisory or executive function. He is a specialist lecturer on Travel Security Management, as well as the special topic “Protection of Exposed Individuals.” Sven Leidel has extensive expertise from over 20 years of security industry and professional experience. His past operational area does cover all of Europe, North and Latin America, and most parts of Asia. At Privatimus GmbH, he is responsible for the entire DACH+ region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg), as well as the Anglo-American region.
s.leidel@privatimus.com Tel.: +49 (0) 40 5272 1221 - 0Thomas Tidiks
Mitglied des BeiratThomas Tidiks ist ehemaliger Group Chief Security Officer und hat in drei Weltkonzernen den Bereich Konzernsicherheit (Corporate Security) aufgebaut und geführt.
Seit 2020 hatte Herr Tidiks die globale Corporate Security Funktion und das Krisenmanagement für den noch neuen DAX Konzern Siemens Healthineers AG komplett neu konzipiert, aufgebaut und geleitet. Die Corona Krise erforderte dabei sehr unmittelbar die Aktivierung des globalen Krisenteams sowie Schaffung völlig neuer funktionaler Strukturen mit globalen virtuell operierenden Teams und zu über 90% „work from home“. Dieses auf zwei Jahre angelegte Projekt wurde Ende 2021 erfolgreich abgeschlossen.
Davor hatte Herr Tidiks für den Zurich Versicherungskonzern die globale Group Security verantwortet mit fünf globalen Regionen. Bis 2008 war er der erste CSO der Henkel KGaA und hat für die Gruppe u.a. das globale Krisenmanagement eingeführt. In den USA hat Herr Tidiks bei Capital One Financial u.a. den Bereich Personenschutz geleitet und für Dow Chemical war er an deren Konzernzentrale verantwortlich für den globalen Secure Assets Work Process und Reisesicherheit. Vor seinem Engagement in den USA war er für Dow Chemical der European Security Coordinator.
Herr Tidiks ist Diplom-Verwaltungswirt (FH) und Polizeikommissar a.D.. Er ist zertifiziert als Protection Professional (CPP), EHS Systems Auditor, Six Sigma Black Belt und hat die Security Executive Ausbildung bei der Wharton School in Pennsylvania absolviert.
Dr. Afzal Ashraf
Director - Privatimus UK Ltd.Dr. Afzal Ashraf (QCVS, BSc, MA, PhD, CEng, FCMI) is a former British Royal Air Force Group Captain. He has comprehensive operational experience from several foreign assignments including Afghanistan and Iraq. His diverse career included positions in the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) and the UK Government Counter Terrorism Centre. His current main focus is the security and risk consulting (including cyber threats), as well as acting as a Consultant Fellow for the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in London. At RUSI he is responsible for advising governments on international diplomacy and capacity building in this area. He is Director of Privatimus UK Ltd, based in London.
a.ashraf@privatimus.com Tel.: +44 (0) 78 489 65 356
Life Demands Perfection.
We are a company of high integrity, scale and reach. Since 1993, our experts have been providing security advice to individuals, groups, corporate clients and family offices around the world.
Everything we do in identifying risks, protection strategies, operational security or background checks has to be perfect. This is what we stake our reputation on, because Life Demands Perfection.